Sale-A-Bration, one of the hottest Stampin' Up! promotions of the year, is finally here! Earn exclusive Sale-A-Bration free gifts (1 for every $50 you spend) or purchase the $99 starter kit and get an extra $25 more in product (for a total of $150 in products for $99–$51 FREE)!
Here's what you need to know to get the most out of Sale-A-Bration!
•Jan. 28 – March 31, 2014, earn a FREE Sale-A-Bration gift for every $50 you spend. Please note qualifying totals do not include shipping and tax.
•The suggested bundles in the Sale-A-Bration brochure show you simple and coordinated ways to reach $50 in product. However, ANY $50 Stampin' Up! product order qualifies.
•Just released! Save on the latest batch of Stampin' Up! Weekly Deals (Jan. 28 – Feb. 3)
•Spend $150 or more (before shipping and tax) and you''ll earn Hostess Rewards plus your Sale-A-Bration freebies (1 for every $50 in product you spend).
•BECOME A MEMBER OF MY STAMPIN' COMMUNITY! I welcome hobby stampers! Get the Starter Kit for $99 and choose up to $150 in Stampin' Up! products (a $25 bonus). The kit ships free for another 10% savings! Choose items in current catalogs, photopolymer (clear) stamps, clearance rack, holiday carryover items and specially priced bundles! Join through me and you'll be on your way to fun, new friendships and resourceful community of my Stampin' community.
Are you thinking about it? Let's talk. Email or call me and we can talk about the benefits and how I can help you!
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