Hello ladies! It’s time for our Monthly Card Class again. This next Tuesday, June 26 at 6 pm at my house is our next card class. We will make 8 beautiful cards with matching envelopes. Cost is $20 or free with at least a $25 order.
May I share some exciting news with you? I am close to a career sales milestone with Stampin Up! I’m close to selling $100,000! It’s taken 9 years, but I am really close because of all of you wonderful folks! So, I’m having a double bonus day on Tuesday. Come to class, order at least $25 so the class fee is waiving, and get an equal amount of my retired merchandise. I still have it out in the living room – don’t judge me….. LOL
If you are looking for a bigger bonus, talk to me about it. I’ve got lots of retired merchandise to share and I’m looking to find new homes for all of it.
Let me know you are coming on Tuesday so I’ll have supplies for you. Remember to bring adhesive and scissors. See you then!
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