Hello! Happy Monday! It's such a busy time for everyone. We are all anticipating spring and hoping for some warm weather. It's been busy at the Taylor home. Projects to finish, new projects to start. It's just been crazy.
Over the past week I've spent considerable time in my craft room contemplating some further organizational things. Kerry and I have talked again about 8-1/2×11 paper storage and decided on what to do. This seems to be the biggest thing right now. Seems this craft room is an ongoing project!
Enough about that……..on to stamping things!
Would you be interested in stamping once a month if I did all the work for you? We have a fun stamp club group and are looking to start a second group. This particular group meets on a Saturday once a month at 10 am. They commit to spending at least $25/month for 6 months. One of those months, they get to be the "hostess" and get all the free hostess benefits. It's like having a party but not having to worry if anyone will show up or if they will spend enough for you to get rewarded. It's so fun and so easy! If you are interested, come on over this Saturday and check us out. If you like it and want to be part of it, this is the perfect time to join our group. If there are enough ladies interested, we will start a group that meets on a week night or Saturday afternoon or even Sunday afternoon.
This would be great fun! I cut the cardstock and have everything ready for you. You get to do the fun part!
Here are two of the projects we will make this month:
We can't have a holiday without some kind of candy treat! This will hold some chocolate, of course, and there will be extra to eat while we are working.
Here's one of the cards we will be making this Saturday. Have you seen this type of card made with the scallop tag topper punch? I love this! I hope you will, too!
Remember – if you want to have fun once a month and make some fabulous projects, come join our group. You can come check us out without any obligations this week.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope something you see here inspires you to stamp!
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