We all are looking for fabulous deals, right? It’s time for the best deal of the year!
Get your choice of up to $229 worth of products for only $99 plus tax. Shipping is free. No further obligation but lots of benefits! And you will get a 20% discount off anything else you buy until at least July 31, 2017. By joining the Stampin Up! Community there are lots of benefits –
- Enjoy a 20-25% discount off your orders
- Order exclusive new products a month before they are released to the public
- Exclusive demonstrator only online community and website full of project ideas and information
- Earn free stamps with various promotions
- Qualify for cash bonuses, product rewards, incentive trips and more
- Receive the exclusive Stampin Success quarterly magazine full or project ideas and other awesome articles
- Attend Stampin Up’s bi-annual Onstage Live and Local events
Wow! That’s a lot! No strings attached. No further obligation. No pressure to do anything but enjoy your fun crafting things. BUT if you do want to make some money, qualify for bonuses and trips and products, let’s talk. Email me at suzanne@taylormadestamping.com.
Next Tuesday night, February 7 at 6pm, I am having a team meeting. I’ll serve dinner and we will talk about the new promotions and all that is going on in our stamping community. If you think you might be interested in having a stamping business, join us. We are a fun group! Email me and let never know you are coming.
Thanks for stopping by! I hope to see you soon!
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